Saturday, September 29, 2007

End of Holiday

Yeah, here it is again, the end of mid-term break. Haven't done too much studies nor readings. But I had quite alot of fun just hanging out and shopping.

Just came back from work @ Platform One Soultrain's 2nd anniversary, themed 'Playboy Mansion'. It was quite different from the last time I've worked there, this time there being a whole lot more people. And since they changed the main room to play house, the beats kept me more awake than did RnB music previously.

I guess it's quite a smart move of Soultrain Fridays to switch to house in the main room because there aren't many Asian nights out there playing house. And for those who prefer RnB they've now moved to the smaller room, which apparently is more packed. But I guess it's better to be packed in RnB music than house music.

Last Wednesday I was also working at this once-off Indonesian night. It was alright. Friends were there and I was able to enjoy a short after-work party in the club and supper at maccas.


Blogger Yuhwen said...

I was partly scared and partly questioning whether I should read your blog only to realise that it is really interesting and thought provoking. I especially liked the one about America pushing all the blame to China just because they are made in China. I am really happy after reading your blog. Take care and enjoy Melbourne!

5:16 PM


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