Saturday, September 15, 2007


... was my first time sprinting after ages, since high school. It felt good. But I was rather slow of course. A friend said my strides could have been longer and I wasn't really pushing. That'll take a little time.

... was my first night working in a club (2 minutes walk from my place), as a second door guy (i.e. that guy who collects tickets). Made a couple of new friends, but I don't think I did a terribly satisfying job. Confused patrons (who didn't know if they had to pay) who just walked in straight had me confused as well. And that new environment + new people combo had me, as usual, a little quiet and reserved. Hopefully it gets better the next time.

But all in all, who's complaining for such a good day? It's also the start of a 2-week mid-semester break!


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