Monday, December 24, 2007

Yet Again...

Another complain post. Weather is really fucking me up. Even mere t-shirt and shorts make me sweat like a pig. I told myself it'll take getting used to but looks like it's taking ages.

On the brighter side, I've just visited Pavilion and Gardens, two new and much talked about shopping complexes. I have to say the former makes one of the very few good reasons to stay in KL. I've already heard Mooks is available locally, but was rather surprised to find Industrie, Swear, Aldo, etc. It was also good to see a standalone XDYE shop.

Well, enough of vain shit. It's only about 26 hours to X'mas now. To my few but treasured readers, have a fantastic Christmas! Hope it'll be one of your best. Please party hard!


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