Monday, March 17, 2008

Hello Uncle

My fourth week into working adulthood now and I am feeling really old already, notwithstanding having much older people around me. Perhaps these are the signs (well, maybe symptoms):

- inability to sleep for more than 9 hours: only able to get that max after a night of good drinking
- taste for music reverts back to pop: Leona Lewis rocks
- feeling the urge to throw up despite of being 56 reps behind Men's Health Bodyweight 350: even the link is taken from the "No More Fat Dad" blog
- immaculate punctuation in emails: 1 month ago, I don't remember doing that
- whiskey+water, rather: because, afterall, it's more uncle


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. u were laughing at me last time. now, u understand.

12:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:54 PM

Blogger Piston said...

Delete the comment of this idiot.

3:04 AM


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