Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Car price-wage ratio

Car price-wage ratio is simply the ratio of average car prices to the average wages that people earn in an economy. Comparison made in respective currencies or a common currency poses no difference. It's just a ratio made by me to demonstrate some contradictions, perhaps irony.

As mentioned, Malaysia's car price-wage ratio would be simply higher than, say, Australia. But clearly the amount of congestion Malaysians experience, especially in KL, is much higher than that of Australians.

So why do people still opt for private forms of transportation? Common sense: simply because there is inadequate substitute/alternative. To rephrase: So why do people still opt for private forms of transportation instead of public?

Take a look at buses. Two major bus companies have just merged about one year ago, forming a not-so-aptly-named Rapid KL. Well, whether they've been able to cut costs and competition aren't of our concern, but there are two clear possibilities why they'd merged: administration and service inefficiencies. Sure it's an uninformed opinion, but I'd like to think it's more of the latter.

Well, they retained their old routes even after the merger.

So many systems, so many routes. Just could have take you so much longer to reach an otherwise straight journey. And money! People who use public transport most are working people. Having to pay for several systems, it's going to cost them quite a bit over some time. Who have never thought about this? And the quality and timing of 'liner' buses?

But all being said, the Malaysian public transportation system still serves its purpose of commuting some people who happen to be lucky to be able to travel conveniently through the systems available.

When so many still prefer to drive, however, it should be a good indicator that public transport is still far from adequate and maybe we could improve of what we have instead of adding more trouble (systems, I mean).

Let's forget about cycling coz we have just bred too many drivers who take the road as a race course rather than a means of civil link.

And dear Malaysians... If only we could all be more serious in what we do...


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