Saturday, November 04, 2006

End of SWOT

Hi everyone. SWOT vacation is coming to an end. It is perhaps apparent that everyone's pretty stressed up, although I have a friend who thinks he is deliberately too ahead of schedule.

Last night's sleep was bad. I had to wake up early to attend Applied Maths and Statistics review classes. With already distorted sleeping hours, I only managed to get 4 hours of sleep. Haven't done that in ages. Although a bit loss in Stats' past paper review, I was happy to find that my analytical Intermediate Macroeconomics skills were not bad. Rewarded myself with dinner at Pacific Seafood BBQ in South Yarra. In addition, my brother managed to get me connection for internship in a major private bank in Singapore, although he had just (unfortunately) informed me that most positions have been taken. He however offered to forward my resume to other banks in KL, but I still hope that I'd be able to get into a major IB.

This week has also saw some improvement in my running distance. Although it's only 3.72km, I've doubled to that amount in less than 2 weeks. I'm very much a beginner. The Nike + iPod kit gave a little boost perhaps. Check out

What next? Exams (x5). Good luck everyone. Will be seeing you guys back in KL soon =)


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