Saturday, June 16, 2007


Today's weather was really bad. It was so foggy throughout the day and so cold you could barely sweat in the gym.

The paper I sat for today was pretty easy, but I really could have done better. Sometimes all I need is just that extra inch of effort. But somehow I fail.

It is also today that I learned about a close friend's lost of his mother.

And also a not-so-close friend totalling his R33 Skyline.

What a day...

I guess nonetheless the day ended comfortably with a Beck's by the fireplace.

edit: Despite the foggy atmosphere, the gym decided to alienate us by having a major rearrangement of 90% of the machines, benches, racks, etc. Peeking out of the glass panes at the doors, one could only see a ghostly empty basketball court and athletic track, and... a goalkeeper at the concrete football field. Funny but spooky how I just saw him/her stood there the whole time and no one else. Shit.


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