Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today... (again, the bored and boring title)

... I rediscovered streaming radio online. This time around I was listening to and, two channels I grew up with but never quite grow out of. Both of them remind me of the times, well, growing up! Very nostalgic. The oldest memory it conjured was my purchasing of Prodigy's Fat of the Land album (in cassette!) when I was 11, after Hitz introduced Prodigy's Breathe and Firestarter. The latest memory was me driving in a lonely car last summer, stuck in the rush hour traffic after work in the gloomy and sometimes rainy skies.

... I received a confirmation that my graduation date has been allowed to be brought forward. It took some trouble for my parents to email those itineraries over due to public holidays back home, but fortunately the Graduation Union decided to let me change the date, for if not, I and my parents will be flying back even before the allocated date! (That, of course, is due to air ticketing difficulties).

... I realized that I'm getting a little out-dated with what's happening in the finance world once again. I was applying for some jobs and there are fields that I can't even figure what to write. Let alone if I ever get interviewed and bombarded by some insane questions. Well, on the same note, well done to India for being able mitigate the market panic so well! 3 well's in one sentence. Fuck it, I'm too lazy to edit.


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