Saturday, July 15, 2006


This is, if I'm not mistaken, my first drunken update. Perhaps there was another, but I am in no physical condition fit to recall that.

There was nothing too spectacular about tonight, my first time clubbing with Singaporeans, in Platform 1, the place to be and the place only half a block from my place. It's funny how I came back and just laid on the couch and smiled at intervals.

I'm glad too my friend, Jackson, finally called. Glad to know that he's still cool with things. We had some piper (is that what you call those seafood? It's written so in the bill though) in Supper Inn before he sent me to Lavish. We found that it was full and another friend sent me
to Platform 1 instead. Sara! Sara was the only one who gave me a hug before I left. She looked so damned gorgeous with that fur hoody on.


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