Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I just feel like writing but really there isn't much of a major update.

Weather. Melbourne's weather is becoming crazy as it is. Last weekend was so windy. Your Uni of Melb students should know that the wind near the Raymond Priestley building is probably the strongest, due to interference, diffraction, or whatever you may call it. I used to think I was one of the scrawniest around and should therefore avoid going near to that place when wind blows hard. But on Friday I witnessed this guy much thinner than me taking up the challenge. I wasn't sure if he had taken it up because he enjoyed it or he hadn't a choice of another path. But I thought it was really amusing to see him struggling with his body slanted perhaps more than 10 degrees forward and it still barely helped. I'm not sure if he had made it (although I bet he had), all I saw was a smile on his face.

Benedict. The name went around and still goes around. The first thing my tutor asked me when I walked into today's tute was, "Benedict, were you the one who sent the e-mail out asking for people to form groups for the [...]?". Indeed. And then there was Financial Mathematics III which I'm starting to like and participate more. Because we have small classes, I often find my lecturer's eyes looking for me whenever he's finding someone who gives conspicuous facial responses to his remarks. And I have a habit of asking him questions after lecture. Finally, he asked for my name. I don't even know why am I writing this, but yeah. I'm just saying my tutor remembers me well and my lecturer cares to know my name. All good stuff. If the first idea that's popping up in your head is 'gay', you're really one of those motherfuckers who should instead get your dick cut and be neutered so you know what gay really is.

Finally, dear Indonesians. If you would love to spread some propaganda, why not do it via more conventional means? Why infect the innocent PC's with virus and worms? Best of all, most of the people can't read that language! (I'm talking about the infamous 'brontok' virus. Good luck to people who have it.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firstly, good to know that you admit you are fucking skinny. So don't go around spreading rumours about guys that are bigger than you to avoid a good bashing session.
Secondly, you are the first ass-kisser which boasts about it. Why not just write a post on how to be a good ass-kisser, that would bring in traffic to your sad little blog.
Finally, about the virus bit; don't comment on the makers when you are dumb enough to contract it.


10:18 AM

Blogger Ben said...

haha dear angry bloghopper,

firsly, so what if i'm skinny? i don't spread rumours about guys bigger than me. even if i do, haha, bring it on, anonymous. and with all that talk, why u being such a pussy and only wanna comment anonymously?

secondly, if the blog's really so sad, why are you here? i think ur the sad one and should really get a life.

finally, if your smart enough too, u should know that virus can spread any way it likes. and if an anonymous loser like you can comment, why can't i?

good luck man. thanks for the comment by the way.

11:03 AM


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