Monday, June 18, 2007

Gotta Be Kidding Me!

So, while I was blissfully asleep today, at 8.15AM, there were 3 critical gunshots fired just one block away from my place. I only found out about that like half an hour ago after noticing my friend's nickname on MSN, after ignorantly walking in the same lane where it happened back to home after gym in the dark.

And again I walked down to 7-Eleven to get a phone card to call my mom. What's so scary? The shooting took place one block away from my place, and a piece of clothing + the GUN were found just somewhere BELOW my apartment, where apparently the shooter ran to after the incident!

Even though I remember taking a piss at 7:50AM, I don't remember hearing a thing. Thank God I'm still safe. Seriously.

Type "shooting melbourne" in Google for more.

edit: Of course, another point worth highlighting is, the killer is still at large.


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