Thursday, November 01, 2007

It's a little depressing, but...

It's SWOT vac (Study Without Teaching vacation), the time when University of Melbourne's students have a week off to study for exams.

It's a little depressing because everyone is so busy studying. Well, given that it's most of my friends' last semester (including myself), there's no reason to fuck around.

This whole week all I got was a little retail therapy in DFO and that's about it. The rest was spent at home studying, studying, and studying. There isn't even gymming because I'm taking a break from the recent cycle (just the regime, no roids).

It just makes me wanna get through this semester as quickly as possible, so that I could start working soon. Somehow the idea of earning my own money, full time, fascinates me. And the idea of shopping for working clothes. And soon time to get a car.

But it's weird. I'm working soon yet this blog still sounds a little juvenile.


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