Sunday, August 31, 2008

Religion and Personal Agenda

I grew up going to the church almost every Sunday. Enough for anyone to quote the Bible or religion when trying to influence my decisions. Against or for, but usually the former.

The problem, though, is the selective quoting from such a source. Completely neglecting "the word of God" when they are happy doing what they are. But only quoting from such a source when they have personal agendas. Reminding you that the countless hours you spent in church every God-blessed (or damned) Sunday mornings taught you that and people there would agree the same.

Enough with this bull. I've been good enough a fellow church-goer to thank God when good things happen, and not to blame Him when bad things do. But I now find life much easier without religion. I have seen enough to spot hypocrites.

If I need examples, I will find through secular means. If such a person happens to be from a certain religion, I will respect that.

But in the meantime, I don't see a point of "abstaining" and all just to preserve myself a seat (room, suite, etc.) in this place called Heaven, when the existence of such a place is not merely subjective, it cannot be proved and most importantly too restraining to the point that there is not much purpose of life on earth if I were to believe and submit.

A pair of the world's biggest religions were established at almost the same period in world history. Religion then suited the citizen's everyday life as a divine guidance of sorts. In fact, humanity and stability could hardly been imagined to exist at all without this divine teaching.

Life and the world has progressed enough and we're fortunate enough to be born at this small dot in the world history timeline, that I (at least) should focus and appreciate
more worldly things and live my own liberal life. Free from people quoting from "divine" scriptures when they themselves cannot prove the existence of God and Heaven but only able to prove themselves to be the worst examples even among the so-called Atheists.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't give up! just cause the singer sux doesn't make the song bad :) unfortunately Christians are ordinary people.. people being people.. there will always be as*holes.

12:19 AM


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