Monday, August 20, 2007

Dead Dual Milestone

When we came out from class at five p.m. today, it was brighter than usual. Ironically though, it was colder. But that isn't the highlight of the day.

Ever since I started deadlifting, I've always been very conscious of my form, for two reasons: to avoid injuries (especially the lower back) and to ensure the respective muscle groups are used (hence stimulated) optimally. Instead of asking a friend to spot my workouts, usually I'd have them check my form. I guess it was quite a milestone today, when an instructor just came by to me and complimented that I'm deadlifting pretty well, better than most of the people. Maybe not in terms of the load, but the form. Nonetheless, I'm finally lifting 125 kilos (275 pounds) now. I guess that's not too bad for a non-powerlifting average build guy.


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