Wednesday, November 22, 2006

So What If...

So what if I was pissed drunk? Sure, it's been very long since I had this sensation due to 'dedication' to my studies. But has it really produced good results? Maybe we Aussie students are sorta accustomed to the 4-subject semesters. I'm doing 5 to make up for one that I failed last year. But really, I have no idea if the fifth subject will turn out as a pass or fail. It sure is disappointing. Very disappointing. All these years my academic life was headed along an 'actuarial path'. It was one of the things that made me me. If things turn out bad, there will inevitably be a big turn in my life. Yet another chapter closed. No more actuarial studies for me. I'd bet a 60% on that. But shit happens. And especially so if your doing actuarial studies. It's just different. Good luck me!


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