Friday, July 06, 2007

No Boost

Results aren't nice at all. I'm not supposed to go to Seven with these results tonight, but fuck it:

Actuarial Modelling II: 67
This was sort of expected. The lecturer mentioned earlier that there would be no "middle-range" scores around 70-80. It's either you are the average or the better ones. He said this was to make sure it's fair for getting students into Honours.

Financial Mathematics III: 72
I thought I answered everything, except giving wrong conclusions for risk aversions and missing another 5 marks for leaving out 5 (out of 10) CAPM assumptions. I had full marks for my assignments though. I've got nothing to say.

Corporate Finance: 74
I've got nothing to say for this either. I walked out early all confident and shit. And people from the summer semester get 90's.

Actuarial Modelling I: 76
The paper I mentioned earlier that I could've put in more effort. See, if I did, an H1 could've been possible. There you go.


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