Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today is...

... the third day of my last semester. And I've only had 2 hours of sleep the night before. I'm still having troubles adjusting my time.

... a beautiful day, in terms of Melbourne's weather. My three hour break, despite being really sleepy, was adequately spent with friends having lunch, coffee, resting, and basically just having a good time hanging out in the noon. It's been quite a while now.

... also a day of a little inefficiency on Melbourne's side. I waited for my apartment's lift for almost 5 minutes. The tram ride home also took me more than half an hour (which would usually only takes 15-20 mins) all to be made worse by me wanting to go to the loo so badly.

... I went too far with the little ego boosts I got. Taking compliments I turned myself into a fountain of indulgent self-boasting.

... gym-less. Does that mean I need to quit gymming to have more days like this to come? Nope, but probably some moderation.

Yesterday was...

... the day I got a decent haircut after alot of attempts by other hairdressers. I tell my friends it's got the 'designer feel'. And yes, choosing reading for leisure over computer gaming also has that 'designer feel'.

... the day I walked into Big W and got myself the first hairdryer. Yes, despite the really short hair now.

All in all...

... it sounds very gay. I know, but it's OK, so long as I know I'm straight.


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