Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Your 50-day 300 Workout Challenge

If, like me, bodybuilding is getting a bit pointless to you, I highly recommend you to take up the following challenge, the 300 Workout:
* 25 pull-ups
* 50 deadlifts at 135 pounds
* 50 push-ups
* 50 box jumps with a 24-inch box
* 50 "floor wipers" (a core and shoulders exercise at 135 pounds)
* 50 "clean and press" at 36 pounds (a weight-lifting exercise)
* 25 more pull-ups -- for a total of 300 reps

Condition yourself for 50 days. Then on the fiftieth day complete the above in as little time as possible. You should be aiming for about 20 minutes.

1) For beginners, you may want to look for variants online (e.g. with assisted pull-ups, lighter floor wipers, etc). You could die (damage your kidney for too much muscle breakdown or even suffer from a heart attack) if you jump straight on.

2) It's full of bollocks to say this workout will build you muscles. It's really more of an endurance/high intensity sort of workout that may help harden and cut your physique.

3) Youtube any of the workouts if you need visual instructions.

4) I will have no liability for any injuries sustained whatsoever.

5) Lastly, feel free to update me on your journey. Good luck, and more importantly, have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.

12:17 PM

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11:00 AM


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