Saturday, November 25, 2006

What a week

Monday: Intermediate Macroeconomics paper. As mentioned below, the paper turned up relatively easy.

Tuesday: A bad Financial Mathematics II paper. Disappointed at how I did. QBH for XXL night. Pretty awesome.

Wednesday: Applied for special consideration. Chadstone Christmas one day only sale. Didn't buy anything though. All the stuff I fancied were too expensive.

Thursday: Cleaned the house. Dinner, then drinking session in Southbank. Stayed over at another friend's place. It's so about time we just sat down, boozed and just had trivial talks.

Friday: Sexpo was alright. Beach Club was even better. At first I was denied entry due to under-dressing. But it was a great night. A big pact of us were stuffed into a Maxi cab and went to Platform 1 for further partying. And finally back to my place for some fries, instant noodles and of course, more crap talking.


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