Thursday, November 30, 2006


After you've open your eyes wide enough Malaysia just seem so different now. I used to be happy growing up at this place, but after getting pretty adapted to a developed nation, one could come back and ask oneself, how did I manage to grow up here?

It's different, yeah, but alcohol speaks one universal language. When your high, it feels pretty much the same where ever you go. Maybe just a little more humid here than in Melbourne.

I think it just takes getting used to. Probably Malaysia is not that bad after all. I must say I haven't much complaint besides the climate. God willing, I will get a job and have much more fun before I leave.

Oh well. Let me just say at least I don't need to post up some critical article to get all the 'unconscious' attention I wouldn't otherwise need.

Be mindful, though, Malaysians, that you only ought to party, if you really ought to reward yourself.

(Apologies, sober version will be up soon)


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