Sunday, April 29, 2007


Let's see... I guess it's been quite some time now since the last drunk update. Wait till the lifeless critics begin their priceless operations. Show me some.

The party started very slowly. Most were attached to the Man U game and missed the trio performance. It was really good an original. If it's up on YouTube or something then maybe I could embed a link here.

Besides that, the party build on itself pretty good. The theme was AEIOU and I was an 'aviator', among others that were there: angel, alien, Andy Warhol, kungfu exponent, assassin, IJ girls, emo, artists, and even Anna Kournikova.

It's heaver and more intimate than Anzac's.

If not for the important 1pm meeting tomorrow, I wouldn't be home even now. But well, I guess a balance is always good.

Have a good week ahead.


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