Wednesday, April 11, 2007

On Supper and Counterstrike

Tonight, Hawker's Cafe's food really sucked. You would've thought you ordered steamed rice when your fried rice came. Seriously. But that's not the point. I and a friend were trying to get over the last few bites when we heard some Caucasians on the next table laughing to a word on the menu, 'hor fun'. I and my friend exchanged curious looks, but hey, pretending I didn't know Chinese, I might think it sounds a little funny too. Just a thought.

For almost every Counterstrike: Source account you have now, you will get a free guest pass that you could send to a friend so they could have a go at CS:S. But who would have foreseen this: I've been seeing a some externalities rising from this genuine offer by Steam. Usually, one's account would get banned if they were found cheating. I guess everyone is just using their temporary guest accounts to screw around lately. Sure, cheating and hacking are fun, but to other people who don't, they are really annoying. I guess the problem was most obvious today when I entered this usual public server only to see 17 people spectating and only 9 playing. 3 out of 9 were hacking.


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