Tuesday, May 08, 2007


It probably doesn't sound as big a deal to some, but I think I've never been inside the campus for 14 and a half hours straight.

First 6 hours were spent in 5 classes and a lunch break. Then a short 45 minutes break before I met up with my team to do more UBS stuff.

Again I feel like I'm slacking. Not by my choice, but I'm always not assigned enough work. Maybe my part just didn't need that much update for the next phase. But I'm also like the graphing and graphics guy. My technical skills help beautify the whole presentation.

Oh well. Tomorrow we will have the whole room to ourselves again. But the speech has to be written up now and I've got to get some tute work done as well.

Presenting your pitch to a panel of 5 bankers and academics ain't fun. Plus up to 5 more previous winners (or something).

Wish me luck! Will update soon.


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