Friday, April 20, 2007


Dear hostile blog hoppers, I'm sure the way you guys act around in my blog is because I'm not from the opposite sex, nothing here is attractive to you and you just find stuff that I do too disagreeing. If you are not a friend of mine and are just plain anonymous, well of course!

Why do you hop around in blogs by the way? Call me a poser? If 'posers' like me don't exist, who is gonna fulfill your lifeless fantasies? Would you be reading news, finance, or even environmental blogs?

Well if most of the updates are about parties (if not some random musings), of course you'll find it's to the contrary of what you do. Get off from that chair and go get something to do man. If you are angry because you can't get laid, why not be homosexual?

And freedom of fucking speech. What? I'm scared of spreading rumours of some big guys? If you've got a problem with that, hey, leave your email address down. Or at least a name, pussies! Let's talk.

If people are well known not to take advice, from anyone at all, why would I listen to some idiots who wouldn't even dare to expose themselves? Who hop around blogs by people whom they don't know, and just enjoy being angry and happy at people's perceived misfortune and personality mismatch?

If you wanna make yourself feel better, I'm sure there are some other things you could do. But of course, freedom of speech, you are free to speak here as well. I agree. But being pussy is just being pussy. Know that.

But if you can't find better things to do, look at the bright side! You are just sitting there and you are gonna die fast and young. Which is good. The world, its people and your boredom won't burden you much then. And you, for sure, won't burden the keen audience and me!

It's a personal blog, get it? Cool? Not cool? Speak up motherfuckers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear so called bloghopper buddies,
I request you guys to please not satisfy the bloggers craving for attention by leaving a comment here. Just ignore and not comment to retaliate against his indecent language projected towards you guys out there. so DO NOT flame, just IGNORE.

(its unfortunate the next button on my blog directs right to this a-hole)

11:25 PM

Blogger Ben said...

firstly, my post was only addressed to angry hoppers.

looks like ur dumb enough to have used that button. and it also looks like ur pretty accustomed to hoppers flaming out, just like urself no? practice what u preach pls.

site statistics tell more than unsubstantial comments like yours. pls realize that too.

lastly thanks for writing. i was anticipating.

11:38 PM

Blogger Ben said...

and why bias ur flaming to profanity? just a little excuse to ignite it and not looking at the whole picture, nina?

11:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nina and her so-called bloghopper buddies, whilst this blog remains to be Ben's personal space for himself and his friends, it is unfortunate that it still exists on the internet. Yes, the internet where , unfortunately as well, nosy parkers such as yourself populate so frequently because you evidently have nothing better to do with your life. Clearly you neglect to realize that this BLOG and its owner qualifies as a personal space, and they definitely doesn't owe you any politically correct niceties. Really, Ben isn't the sort to "crave attention" and whatever he writes is for the benefit of us, his friends. You know, friends, or rather people who are actually here for reasons other than the depraved ones of insulting and criticizing someone you don't even know.

Dear Ben, I'm sorry, I really cannot stand voyeurs with less than pleasant remarks, people really ought to be more straight up and give it to you in your face. All this hiding behind handles and avatars is SO primary school.

See you at Long Room tonight sweetie! (:


3:23 PM


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