Friday, December 01, 2006


Now giving you the more sober edition.

So this blog started out as a pad of my little musings legit enough to be publicized, the first two posts being complaints regarding the crap public transport system (along with some of my economic theory). Well I suppose this blog is very much just a personal thing, having so little visitors I strongly doubt it would have sparked (or even merely contributed) to the radical change that came about to the system a few months back. So radical I wouldn't know, yet, how the system really works and connects. I will perhaps find out and shall keep my little meagre audience updated. Opinions of course, not such technical details.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). On a dollar-to-dollar basis, I must say Ringgit has a poor PPP but certainly (and fortunately) as I am sure it's much better than much of the rest of the world. Booze is expensive, for example. Typically that's why you see students drinking (almost) recklessly when they're abroad.

Partying here is pretty different as well. Yes, it was a week night last night, but it seemed as if I was the only crazy guy dancing around in the club. I was happy and at least, c'mon, some were amused to see me enjoying myself.

Tropical climate means alot of mosquitoes, which suck 'cause after staying in Melbourne for some time you'd forget how the pain and swell felt like. But in a tropical country them mozzies are a bit too keen to refresh your memory.

Work. It seemed like I had given the impression to my interviewer that I don't know what I want. An actuarial student applying for auditing. But being from the HR department I bet she could tell pretty damn well if someone actually knows what he/she wants. Let alone I don't have any idea of what I would be in a decade's time, I wouldn't know where I'd be. All these plus indulgences all around oneself only imply that life is way too short. Choices suck.

Friends' work. Some of my buddies are working full time, some part time. It's good to see them earning some money of their own, and (most of them) having the mentality that it's good to be spending their own money. I couldn't agree more. Some are struggling of course, but being a friend I could only hope to see them prosper in the future.

Oh well. I could write more. But forgive me, I'm not too used to the weather yet. It's still hampering my creativity a little. Meanwhile, have a great day people!


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