Sunday, December 10, 2006

Never Again

Lastnight was my first time passing out completely. And I really hope it would be the last. I couldn't remember a crap. I'll not get into detail of what my friends and family told me but I basically went unconscious (yes, not even capable of walking nor saying a word). Thank you mom for sleeping outside with me, dad who didn't get too mad, brother who was amazingly amused and friends who helped me got home.

The l
ast thing I remembered was being high but I couldn't even remember when I actually got into the drunk phase. It seemed only a split second between high and passing out. Man I really don't know but some told me I wasn't acting like myself. Sure our drinks were with us but I had this habit of walking and fucking around in clubs. Maybe I was drugged. Or maybe it was the sheer rate I went.

Sorry but I have to name this place. So you could be a little more careful next time. Thai (fuckin') Club.

It also got a little hard to stomach things that happened last night. Never again.


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