Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Moo Books & Eyes

Good morning eyes! Yes, they're still fresh, because it's only 8:41am as at time of writing. By 5:30pm they'd be as red as red meat.

After centuries lastnight my dad finally cooked some dinner. When he reminded me of that suddenly the food tasted a little better.

Lunch was horrible yesterday. I've never eaten such hot green curry in my life. These Thai wannabes must have chucked some gasoline in there.

And Kinokuniya. What's with the 'snowflakes' discounts? I've got like 10 stamps in less than a month. That's more than RM500 spent. I'm sure they love impulsive idiots like me.

*Kinokuniya hugs Ben*


Blogger Me-shel Leslie said...

i dun like u.. constipated face looking guy,

12:07 PM

Blogger darrentjf said...

aiyah wanna learn cooking just ask chef yeff la wtf wtf.

1:17 PM

Blogger Ben said...

hahah chef yeff indeed! ur the kawan to look for when i'm in need of home cook food. and at the same time can emo chat with the housemate wtf.

me-shel practice to put on my face summore and i'll pray one day ur the chronic one!

wuguowu, i dont know who or what u are, but i sorta believe believe ur a fckin spammer who look for keywords like food, or home food. fck u if that's true

4:58 PM

Blogger Chiox said...

ben ben ben....

5:07 PM


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