Saturday, January 06, 2007

Tension: Finally Proven

Working sure is alot tougher than studying. When they tell you to get the most out of your student life, listen to them.

So there was only 3 days this week. First day's lunch was normal although, as usual, my 'economy' rice was overpriced again. Dinner was an extravagant Korean BBQ though. We ventured further on Thursday, to BSC because a friend was leaving. Today we were at Royal Selangor Club (Kiara).

In these 3 days, however, I feel rather bad. My incomplete jobs were handed (by my superiors) to my own colleagues. One for amendments, the other for completion. It feels like I've done a terrible job. I'm sure they couldn't agree more.

Regarding the topic. Some who had the chance of sitting in my car have surely noticed how stressful the streets are to me. So today there was finally a physical impact: I was following behind this car that moved backwards alot before sloping up to the parking cashier. When I was also at the slope waiting for him to pay his ticket, I had my gears neutralized so I could myself move backward should some shit happen. Well no shit happened and I forgot I was on N. The car rolled down and hit an Airtrek. I wonder if lack of sleep contributed to it.


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