Saturday, July 29, 2006

First Week's Friday Night

Pretty much as usual, I was a little pre-smashed prior to going to the party at Ken's place. Needless to say, they are a crazy bunch indeed. Booze was of course free flow and two 'bartenders' were there to mix funky drinks. On top of that almost everyone was treated to a flaming (in the mouth) sambucca.

With the accompaniment of a shisha (which I of course, due to hygienic purposes and a personal stand, did not participate in), we played Twister, Taboo and that blindfolded-donkey-tail-sticking-thing which I do not know what you call. The picture below should desribe it. And as you can see, a boxer was used as a blindfold.

We then proceeded to an unlikely place, 3D off Lt Collins St. We stayed till the club was abruptly closed for reasons unknown. Was it the cops or was this just the usual way they do things? Nonetheless we had great, exhaustive fun.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Week 1

And so uni has started again. This will be my first time overloading, with 5 subjects altogether. They say this is the semester where the actuarial subjects kick in.

Anyway I had my haircut (Korean) on Monday and as usual, although I don't find it too novel, some naive and not so fashionable beings had something stupid to say. Well my haircut wasn't an expensive one. I think expensive ones only make you feel better, not look better. Sorry but you are just unf
ortunate to not be able to enjoy things money can't buy.

My Proactiv 3-pack has just arrived today. Again, some thought pimples weren't a reason to use them, only 'full on' acne is. Pricelessly ignorant.

Tomorrow is party day and a report shall follow.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Many Symptoms

Today I woke up with a record-high number of symptoms:
- body aches
- headache
- diarrhoea
- slight sore throat
- slight rise in body temperature

and on top of that:
- calves, back and abs soreness from yesterday's workout
- that annoying all day discomfort on your upper back after a night of bad sleeping posture

Not sure if the doctor overlooked my diarrhoea problem, I was only prescribed my old antibiotics: cefaclor. Thanks to my housemate for cooking today and Shaun for the dishes. What a Friday...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

French English

If you feel like listening to a French speaking in English, click here. It's worth your time.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Didn't know my college buddy Kumar actually won the Mr Selangor junior title. Congrats!

This pic is up here without his knowledge though =)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

For yo ears

If there was one song you would listen to this week: Black Finger Nails, Red Wine (Eskimo Joe).
Aussie band. Sweet top pick, listen for yourself!

If there was one song you wouldn't listen to this week: Stars Are Blind (Paris Hilton).
I am however contemplating the possibility that I may fall to listening to Paris one day because she is, no doubt, hot. Although I wouldn't know how looks alone can compel one to listen to her singing, I must say the vocals in Stars Are Blind were nonetheless above my expectations. Lyrics, on the other hand, can only be appreciated by whiny teeny bitchy little stardom-wishful kids.


Sorry about the mispelling of my MSN nick that some of you have brought to my attention. I was a little drunk at that time.

Tonight was one of Dessert House and Hungry Jacks instead of chicken breasts. I wish I could have resisted to these temptations for I really rather look like a piece of chicken breast than a beef patty.

$56 was forked out today to stock on whiskey and sambucca. The Heinekens, Cascades and Tooheys have long gone, with only 7 bottles of wine and a little Bacardi surviving. Yes, it's part of a plan to save some money that would be spent in clubs for the same amount of 'altitude'.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


This is, if I'm not mistaken, my first drunken update. Perhaps there was another, but I am in no physical condition fit to recall that.

There was nothing too spectacular about tonight, my first time clubbing with Singaporeans, in Platform 1, the place to be and the place only half a block from my place. It's funny how I came back and just laid on the couch and smiled at intervals.

I'm glad too my friend, Jackson, finally called. Glad to know that he's still cool with things. We had some piper (is that what you call those seafood? It's written so in the bill though) in Supper Inn before he sent me to Lavish. We found that it was full and another friend sent me
to Platform 1 instead. Sara! Sara was the only one who gave me a hug before I left. She looked so damned gorgeous with that fur hoody on.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Yes, lately I've been quite a gym rat (wish I could say I was a gym buff, but the thing is, I'm not that buffed yet). Not too sure about feeling a million bucks though.

Finally I have my BMX sold for $172.50 to this kid who brought his dad over on Wed night to inspect the bike, all the way from Dingley (40 mins drive). In the other hand, the crap road bike was sold at a mere $13.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Karat To Carrot?

So I heard instead of looking 'karat' one could look 'carrot' if self-tanning is overused. I know it's sad and pretty lifeless, but at least I've tried something new. But no Dota, cigarettes or other drugs, thank you.

Anyway, congrats to Italia and please somebody, can we go clubbing at a place that plays mainstream house music? I know it's unfortunate that Asian nights only play hip-hop, so much to the extent that there was once a white friend of mine said to me, "What music do you listen to? I can imagine you listen to alot of hip-hop" (he was very impressed, however, when he learns that I listen to Miles Davis and Oscar Peterson). Thanks Asians.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Looks like the effects of the self-tanning lotion is kicking in a bit. I'm getting golden.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Sad Friday Night

It's the second Friday of the winter break and none of us have any plans in particular, isn't that sad? Friends went for holiday, some in KL, parents down, girlfriends in Melbourne, and another girlfriend just came back. Man... It's really so boring to the extent that I exfoliated and applied self-tanning lotion to my whole body.

Amber Lounge Closing

Dear Melbournians, tonight (7 July) will be your last chance to party at Amber Lounge as it will be closing down. No bull, it's from an official newsletter I received as a Satellite Card holder. Party hard.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ebay Tip

If you happen to want something that has an identical listing (or more) at a different time no more than 12 hours apart, go for the earlier listing.

1) bidders who have failed in bidding the earlier listing would bid on later ones.
2) bidders take the earlier listing's final price as a benchmark, hence bidding around that price (more or less, but probably more, to secure this later listing).

Forgetting to bid on an item that ended at 8PM (finalized at $32), I knew it was gonna be a bad idea if I'd bid on the 9:30PM listing. I did, nonetheless, and got it for $61.

Turns, Not Breaks

Guys, it's not a year of break-ups, it's just a year we take big turns in our lives. It sure is Emo Melbourne 2006, but c'mon... I thought of listing some of our problems here, but I guess that wouldn't be necessary. Alas, even as I speak, it is sad to know that YOU guys aren't really cool with things. Well you know who you guys are.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Soflan Softener

It's amusing to sometimes notice how chronic saying 'wtf' gets. It all started as a 'suffix' to genuine wtf statements but has now become a common period of almost every sentence. Maybe it's just its 'sedative', or 'softening' effect that defines its user that makes it, well, contagious. Like a Soflan Softener.

1966, 3066

Once a champ in 1966, I think your next time will be 3066 :P

Alas, Brazil's world class individual players finally got its lesson from France for its poor coordination. What a hearthbreaking week. Argentina, now Brazil. And England (for those tons of fans out there who are after publicity and glamour).

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Disappointing Penalties

What's with Argentina's poor penalties? Man it sure was a boring match followed by a disappointing outcome. I probably could have derived so much more fun and avoided another heartbreak have I joined the Singaporeans clubbing. My last hope: Brazil.